Saturday, September 25, 2010

Built In Wall Unit - Part III

Today was a day of planing and jointing one edge of the pine boards straight. Its too awkward to use my old Craftsman 6" jointer to joint the edge of these 10" and wider boards. So I had to resort to using a straightedge and router to joint one edge of the boards. I had to jump through some hoops to get the first board jointed as my straightedge was only 8' long and the boards 10'. After completing that I used the first board as the straightedge for router jointing the remaining 26 boards. It took pretty much the whole day to finish planing the last 10 boards and jointing on edge of all of the boards.

I still haven't planed all the boards to final thickness.. My focus was getting them cleaned up and then I'll take them to final thickness in a few days. I actually want to keep them thick while I do the glue-ups for the base cabinet. The base cabinet being 20" wide will require at least 2-3 boards edge glued. Once these boards have been glued up, I plan on planing them to final thickness using a friend's thickness sander. The sander will accommodate up to 24". Once I've established the final thickness for the boards for the base cabinet, I'll match the rest of the boards to that thickness. I was hoping to be a little thicker then 3/4" figuring it will give the bookcases a little more strength.

At the end of the day I got a pile of boards, planed flat and one edge jointed.

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